Tuesday, February 19

On a Podcast High

Hey, scroll down and check out my dog-lovers' widget. It's a bit hard to get to due to the page template, but in the upper right corner of the widget you can click on the little bit of headphone graphic that shows. That will take you to the DogCast Radio website and when you click the play button you will hear the broadcast of their latest show - which from the accent must be produced in England. Amazing!!! I also added two podcasts to my Bloglines account, one of which was The Onion - I'm going to have to watch that I don't spend too much time listening to that one during work hours, but it's hilarious.
I love the idea of adding podcasting to MPLs Teen Topix book blog for teens. It'd be great to get teens reviewing their favorite books on podcasts and then post them on Teen Topix. I also really like that music can be added to podcasts. The podcasts I listened to that had a consistent jingle at the opening sounded more "radio-like" and just cooler. This has been a fun assignment and I'm looking forward to sharing the capabilities with friends and family.

1 comment:

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Karen,

Cool dog-lovers' widget! You're getting really good at this blogging stuff!

I hope that your idea for adding podcasting to your teen book blog works out - be sure and let me know!

Glad you enjoyed this assignment - keep on playing!
